About us


We are journalists that work with journalists. We are not here to send out your releases and collect clipping. We move forward. We know how to transform information into news and gain presence in mass media.

We believe in what we do and we are reliable, precise and discrete. All our services are efficiently coordinated.

Our team is the one you can see. We could fill in this section with collaborators´ pics, but we already told you that we are very honest. We show our face!

Virginia Frutos MediaThinker

She is 50% of eVerythink, Frutos, one of the Virginias. General media, radio and IT press journalist, she has added to her editorial experience the strategic management of relevant IT accounts in communication agencies. Frutos has almost twenty year experience in both sides of communication. Her incredible capacity to create news angles is, with no doubt, a main ingredient in the success of the agency.

Virginia Sanz Virginia Sanz. AccounThinker

The other 50% of eVerythink, Sanz, one of the Virginias. Journalist in lifestyle and corporative media in the first part of her career, she explored the agency side almost ten years ago to enjoy executive coaching and international account management for IT, luxury and finance clients. In eVerythink she is in charge of looking after the national and international clients interests and making sure that they are always integrated in the communication strategy.

Carlos Arias DirectIThinker

Álvaro Jambrina SpecialisThinker

Jesús Nogales ContentlThinker

Federico Fernández B2BThinker

María Gómez ReporThinker

Patricia Moraleda StrategicThinker

Blanca Prieto ConsumerThinker

Nayra Bueno ConsultThinker

Eugenia Civeira FashionThinker

Lucía Tomás AnalyticThinker