What is Branded Content?

¿Qué es el Branded Content?

The importance of connecting with your audience

When it comes to starting up a business, there are many factors which must be considered to make it successful. When we speak about Branded Content, we refer to the way in which the company can connect with consumers. We are not referring to a customer service term or an online chat, but the way in which we present our business to the eventual users of the product. So, Branded Content refers to creating interesting content that is related to our own brand, in order to create a connection with the public. However, in this blog we will explain this aspect of marketing, and the various advantages it presents us:

  • Brand visibility: The objective that your brand should have is to expose the product to its users. But also, to make them understand what your product offers and how it works. Empathy is a very important factor to consider in order for your brand to be seen. The most relevant way to know if this strategy is working is by considering engagement. The more engagement and interaction you have with clients, the better your results will be.
  • Producing valuable content: The creation of publications and advertisements that generate conversation should also be one of the main business objectives. However, making this conversation effective and positive is not a simple task. Therefore, the content provided must have a real point to it, which attracts the consumers to the product and, ultimately, creates conversation.
  • Channels of information: Nowadays, the number of channels through which content can be shared is infinite. Social networks, as we all know, are the best means of getting results, since every potential user belongs to at least one kind of social networking platform. Therefore, you should create content that is accessible though all channels of social media. The copies, formats or videos should convey a sense of “storytelling” for your brand, in order to attract consumers.
  • Creativity: In this case it is not about quantity, but quality. By designing your own publications, you can better present the true essence of your brand and show it in a way that is aesthetically pleasing for the audience. An example of how to produce your own content could be to allow your users to talk about their own experiences with your product.


Finally, one of the important factors to keep in mind is that each brand builds its own path and has its own way of presenting itself to the world, depending on the image you have created before launching your product.

More and more companies are adopting this technique: study, analyse and expose. Therefore, our PR agency truly knows how to go about it. Want to talk with us?